Sunday 20 November 2011


One of my closest friends got married yesterday. It was a beautiful, fun, glorious wedding and made me think about all the weddings I've been to in the UK and how Canadian weddings are different. Here goes:

1. hats - women typically cover their heads with something at more traditional English weddings. small hats, fascinators, whatever. I love me a good fascinator. Last night the mother of the bride wore a fascinator and everyone else's heads were hair exclusively.
2. timing - Generally Canadian weddings start in the late afternoon. typically British weddings start very early in the day, essentially right after lunch (have also been to a few 11am starts). considering the other thing we know to be true about Brits, this pretty much means everyone's pissed by early afternoon, ravenous during the meal and not really listening to the speeches.
3. mc - the last 2 weddings I went to in the UK had the groom as the MC. speeches seem to be of the same general material wherever you are. razing the groom, telling the bride she's awesome and thanking everyone. the grooms speech last night was especially heart warming.
4. booze - i have yet to be at a canadian wedding that runs dry, seems to happen fairly often in british weddings. for an explanation, refer back to point 2.

Everything else seems to be generally the same or unique to a particular wedding. I love weddings. I love the partying, wearing fancy clothes, meeting new people and witnessing love that's shared. all of the weddings i've been to this year have been for perfectly matched people, and it's a great feeling to see that kind of love. One of the speakers last night said 'love the other person more than you love yourself'. Quite different from my uncle's advice about marriage which was 'make sure the other person loves you more'. HA.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Youre very right about british weddings. I knew it was time to leave my wedding when people were making me do sambucca shots.
