Tuesday 29 November 2011

lament o to do list

Not having a job is a strange predicament. While working, even at a job that I loved every minute of, I dreamt of months of vacation time to do everything that everyone wants to do: travel the world, write a book, sell a screenplay, become a really good photographer, learn to speak Spanish and French well, learn to salsa, samba and crump, learn to play the guitar, learn most of the world's history, volunteer my time wisely and with a lot to show for it.

(photo whoisbolaji.com)

So far, in my free time I have spent a lot of time applying for jobs, surfing the net and watching movies (I'm currently watching HP6 and Dumbledore has just met Draco on the top of the clock tower. uhoh). 

With my to do list, this is where I've gotten:

  • travel the world - well I'm in Montreal at the moment, so that's pretty much done. can't be everywhere at once can you?
  • write a book - I'm writing this blog, essentially the same
  • sell a screenplay - i've decided the screenplay I wrote 6 years ago sucks massively and needs to go back to the drawing board. on hold.
  • become a really good photographer - some dirty thief thieved my camera after being back 3 weeks, having already taken some really wicked photos of Toronto but not putting them on my computer. boo to thievery. 
  • learn to speak Spanish and French well - I found my high school spanish text books and read the first 4 chapters of one. boligrapho, lapiz, cuaderno, escuela. doing well. as for French, i'm in Montreal, so pretty much solved.
  • learn to salsa, samba and crump - my mom has a pilates, fitness combo video that's basically doing level 1 ballet. did it yesterday. i would write what we did, but i can't spell any of those french ballet words. all dancing starts with ballet, i'm sure of it.
  • learn most of the world's history - this is pretty difficult, but i'm reading about recent american history in my book (well current affairs will soon be recent history), and i've got the history of Hogwarts downpat.
  • volunteer my time - i haven't heard back from the charity i offered my volunteer services to. hmm. and have also been helping write the strategy for a social enterprise a friend is starting.
so ya, tick tick tick on those, and yet not having a job does make me feel quite contributionless. my main goal for this time off was to some how find half a million bucks to put an artificial turf down in Georgetown, Guyana. If anyone has any ideas on that, please please let me know. 
In the meantime, I know that once I start a job I'm not going to have much time to do all of these things, so I really need to get cracking. This video has inspired me to know that now me is the only me (ie stop procrastinating).

Alright, gotta bounce! Lots to do, time to figure out what's on tv now that Dumbledore is dead. :( still heartbreaking

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